Accessibility for Films on Demand


Films on Demand is an online streaming media service available to Mason staff, faculty and students. This will show how to use the closed captions, as well as the interactive transcript. For a more in-depth look at Films on Demand, please visit the"Finding Streaming Media in Films on Demand" tutorial.

Using the Closed Captions

  1. Enter your search term into the search box.

    Films on Demand search menu with the search box in the middle. Included a drop down menu to the left of the text box, that selects whether to search by title or by segment. Below the search box are four navigation tabs. These are Home, Collections, Featured Producers, Playlits and Favorites.
  2. Click on the video you would like to watch.

    Lists titles found in the search. Includes a menu to help narrow search results, on the left. At the top right, there is a drop down menu to sort results by either relavance, by newest to oldest, or by most viewed.
  3. Click on the "CC" button on the bottom right of the screen

    Still shot of a film about big cats. Closed Captions button, located a the bottom right of the video screen, has been highlighted.

Using the Interactive Transcript

  1. There are three tabs on the right side of the video screen. Click on the middle one, titled "Transcript".

    Still shot of a film about big cats. There is a menu with three tabs to the right of the video screen. The tabs are Segment, Transcript, and Related. Transcript is highlighted.
  2. A transcript of the video will appear. The words will be highlighted as they are spoken.

    Transcript tab has been selected. It shows the entire transcript as you scroll down. Each word is highlighted as the video speaks along.
  3. You have the option of printing the transcript. You can also click on the Lock icon to prevent the transcript from automatically scrolling. For more help with the Interactive Transcript, click on the "Interactive Transcript Tutorial" link.

    Immidiately below the navigation tabs is a link titled Interactive Transcript tutorial. This will lead you to a video made by Films on Demand. Below that, and to the right, are tools to print the transcript and a tool to lock the transcript in place so that it does not scroll down as the film progresses. Below the Interactive Transcript tutorial link, and to the left, there is also a search box to search key words inside the transcript.

Additional Questions and Help

For additional information regarding other library services or accommodations, please contact Christal Ferrance, the Mason Libraries Accessibility Coordinator, at 703-993-5815.

If you require additional assistance with accessibility please contact the ATI Office.

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Creative Commons License

Accessibility for Films on Demand is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.