Course Reserves
Look for readings and other materials your instructor has placed on Course Reserves. Also, see tips for finding textbooks on reserves and check if there is a Course Guide for specific help.
Access to every online resource the library subscribes to, including e-Books, data, media, reference books (e.g., encyclopedias and handbooks), and much more. Or, see if there is an InfoGuide on your topic.
Study Rooms
Reserve a Group Study Room for any of the university libraries.
Ask a Librarian
If the Getting Started Guide or the Online Tutorials & How Tos do not answer your question, there are people who can help.
Learn something new at a scheduled workshop at any of our library locations. Or, gather some friends and request one.
Filming and Photography Projects at the Library
Mason students and faculty may use the Libraries as a location for filming and photography projects for course requirements or administrative activities. A request must be submitted to obtain permission.
Work at the Library
Student Assistants are needed every year. Learn more about the positions and visit HireMason to see what is posted.
Learn what services and resources are available for NOVA ADVANCE students.