The Printing Arts Lab offers free poster printing for Mason affiliates through a partnership with the Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research. Posters must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance of your desired pickup date. Same-day requests may not be processed, depending upon staff availability. Have a question? See Frequently Asked Questions on the PAL webpage, or email if your question isn't answered there. Your first and last name: * Contact email: * When do you need your poster? * What are you printing for? * If a class, which class and instructor? If a conference, which conference? If other, please specify. What is your Mason affiliate status? * Undergraduate student Graduate student Staff Faculty Other... What is your Mason affiliate status? Other... Select a .pdf, .png, or .jpg file, then click "Upload". * We no longer accept .pptx or .ppt files. Please convert your PowerPoint to a .pdf before uploading. What size do you need it printed? (Default size is 48" x 36".) * 36 x 24 inches 33.1 x 46.8 inches 48 x 36 inches (This is the default size) Other... What size do you need it printed? (Default size is 48" x 36".) Other... Leave this field blank