Library Faculty/Staff profile for ljordan9

Lorena Jordan

Policy and Government Librarian
Social Sciences Team; Learning, Research and Engagement


Bachelor of Arts (Honors), Political Science- University of South Carolina

Master of Library and Information Science (2020)0 University of South Carolina


As a child, Lorena would attach home-made library return slips on her favorite personal books-and never return them to her shelf on time. The fascination of how libraries can serve others, combined with the desire to openly provide information to all interested parties, has led to her becoming The Policy and Government Librarian for The Schar School of Public Policy. 

When not ensuring all books are in order and that, indeed all things are quiet on the western front, Lorena enjoys cooking, traveling, performing opera, remaining fluent in French and Japanese, and living quietly with her 4 cats. 

Contact Information: 
Campus: Fenwick Library
Building: Mason Square Library
Schedule Appointment:
With Lorena at Fairfax