A library student assistant in the Fenwick Library stacks
Developing Skills
The University Libraries Student Assistant Program offers George Mason undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to work directly with library staff on a variety of projects across the library system. Students develop excellent research, teaching, and customer relations skills as they gain in-depth experience using current academic research resources and information technologies. Student assistant duties include:
- Developing and maintaining library research guides
- Providing basic library orientations and introductory library instruction
- Supporting librarians on research projects
- Assisting in technology-based projects
The Student Assistant Scholarship Endowment ensures that these critical positions include compensation, a much-needed benefit for the students that George Mason serves.
“[M]y role as a graduate assistant in the Arts and Humanities team at Fenwick Library... deepened my understanding of cultural diversity through media and theater, significantly shaping my approach to my upcoming Cultural Studies PhD program and its focus on globalization and culture.” Soo Paek PhD candidate, Cultural Studies; Graduate Professional Assistant in Arts and Humanities
“My ideal job would be to work for the National Archives or the Library of Congress with their film collections, and I hope my position at the George Mason University Libraries will help me to achieve that goal.” Nathan Brager Undergraduate Student Assistant; Film and Media Studies Major. GIVE NOW.