George Mason University Libraries has terms that may not be familiar. Use the glossary below to find the meaning.
- abstract
- A brief overview of the key points in a work.
- activate
- To make usable or turn-on. You must activate your Mason ID card to borrow materials from the Mason Libraries as well as WRLC.
- annotation
- A brief note added after a citation in a bibliography to describe, explain, or critique the content or message of the work cited.
- article
- A brief work on a topic, generally between 1 and 35 pages in length, and often published in a journal, magazine, or newspaper.
- authentication
- A security process that typically employs usernames and passwords to validate the identity of users before allowing them access to certain information. In order to access Mason Libraries materials or services, you must be verified that you are affiliated with Mason.
- author
- The person or corporation responsible for producing a written work.
- abstract
- barcode
- A printed label containing machine-readable data which can be read by an optical scanner into a computer. Mason Libraries uses barcodes for patrons and materials.
- bibliography
- A list of citations or references to books, periodicals, etc. on a particular topic. In scholarly publication, a list of references to sources cited in the text, usually appearing at the end of the work.
- book
- A collection of sheets of paper or other material fastened together along one edge, with or without a protective case or cover.
- Boolean
- A command that links two or more terms to form a search strategy by combining terms (AND), excluding terms (NOT) or looking for variations (OR).
- broader term
- A term that is more general than another term, for example, 'Libraries' is broader than 'School libraries.'
- barcode
- call number
- The address of the book or other physical materials on the shelves in a library. Mason Libraries uses the Library of Congress call number system (LCC), which is an alpha numeric system (example: PN 2035.H336 1991).
- catalog
- A comprehensive list of books, periodicals, maps, media, and other materials held or owned by a library.
- charged
- A note in the catalog that an item is checked out.
- check-in
- To return an item to the library.
- checkout
- To borrow an item from a library for a fixed period of time.
- circulation
1. The process of checking books and other materials in and out of a library.
2. A location in a library where you can check out, return or renew items, ask about missing items, or inquire about fines. - citation
- A reference or footnote to an item (such as a book or periodical article) that contains the author, title, date of publication, and any other information needed to locate the item.
- consortium loan service
- A group of libraries which agrees to share resources. Mason Libraries is a member of the Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC).
- contents
- All of the divisions, chapters, articles, or individual works contained in a book, periodical, or other publication, usually listed in order of appearance with locators (page numbers) in the table of contents in the front matter of a book or on a page near the front of an issue of a periodical. Not synonymous with content or subject matter.
- controlled vocabulary
- An established list of preferred terms which may be used to search an index, abstract, or information database. Compare with natural language searching.
- copyright
- The exclusive legal rights granted by a government to an author, editor, compiler, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor to publish, produce, sell, or distribute copies of a literary, musical, dramatic, artistic, or other work.
- course reserves
- Materials that instructors set aside in the library or online for students in the class to use.
- call number
- data services
- A service within the library that provides help with finding, getting, and using statistical, geospatial, and qualitative data.
- database
- A large, regularly updated file of digitized information related to a specific subject or field. Most databases used in libraries are periodical indexes, full text reference resources, etc.
- descriptor
- A preferred term or phrase, frequently used in databases, similar to controlled vocabulary.
- discharged
- A recently returned item, which may still need to be reshelved.
- document delivery service
- The physical or electronic delivery of documents from a library collection to the residence or place of business of a library user, upon request. Mason Libraries document delivery services, called intercampus loan, delivers materials from one University Libraries location to another (e.g. from Fenwick to Mercer).
- data services
- ebook or electronic book
- A digital version of a traditional print book designed to be read on an electronic device.
- ejournal or electronic journal
- A digital version of a print journal, or a journal-like electronic publication with no print counterpart.
- ereserves or electronic reserves
- Items placed on reserve that a library makes available online.
- ebook or electronic book
- index
- An alphabetically arranged list of headings consisting of the personal names, places, and subjects in a written work. The indexes uses page numbers to refer the reader to the point in the text where information about the heading is found.
- infoguides
- Online guides of resources and search strategies to jump-start your research.
- intercampus loan (ICL)
- Mason Libraries document delivery service. See document delivery service.
- interlibrary loan (ILL)
- Exchange of books, periodical articles, etc. between libraries for a brief period. Mason Libraries' users are able to borrow library materials from other campuses, from regional university libraries, and from libraries around the world.
- ILLiad
- The online system you use to request an item through interlibrary loan. The name ILLiad is an acronym for InterLibrary Loan internet accessible database.
- issue
- Single uniquely numbered or dated part of a periodical or newspaper.
- index
- narrower term
- A term that is more specific than another term, for example, 'Music librarianship' is narrower than 'Librarianship.'
- natural language searching
- Using plain language and sentences as opposed to keywords or subject headings to search for needed material, for example, 'Where can I find information about Frederick Douglass' (natural language) as opposed to 'frederick douglass' or 'su:douglass' (keyword or subject heading). Compare with controlled vocabulary.
- NetID
- Your Mason username. It is the portion of your Mason email address in front of the @ symbol. A NetID and password are needed to access many of Mason Libraries resources and services.
- narrower term
- peer review
- The process in which a new book, article, software program, etc. is submitted by the prospective publisher to experts in the field for critical evaluation prior to publication. Peer review is a standard in scholarly publishing.
- periodical
- Materials published at regular intervals (at least 3 times a year) and intended to be continued indefinitely. Examples include magazines, journals, and newspapers.
- plagiarism
- Copying or closely imitating the work of another writer, composer, etc. without permission and with the intention of passing the results off as original works; also using the words or ideas of others without acknowledging the original source.
- primary source
- An original record of events, such as a diary, a newspaper article, a public record, or scientific documentation.
- proxy server
- An internet server that acts as a 'go-between' for a computer on a local network and the open web. Mason Libraries uses EZProxy to provide easy access from outside the Mason network or networks to websites that restrict access by IP address, for example, databases.
- recall
- A request for the return of library material before the due date.
- record
- A description of a work in a catalog or database.
- research services
- A service that helps people find needed information.
- related term
- A term that is similar to another term, but not a synonym, for example, 'Media specialists' is related to 'School libraries.'
- renew
- An extension of the loan period for charged library materials.
- research portals
- A printed or online resource that provides detailed information, instructions, and advice concerning the best strategies, techniques, and resources for research in a subject or field of study.
- secondary source
- Books or articles that explain or analyze primary sources, for example, criticism of a literary work.
- stacks
- Shelves in the library where materials, typically books, are stored and arranged by call number.
- subject
- A topic or theme of a work.
- subject guides
- Information on a topic, major, or a course created by Mason Libraries' staff. The guide suggests important resources inside and outside of the Libraries.
- subject heading
- The most specific word(s) that describe the subject of a work, selected from a list of preferred terms or controlled vocabulary. See controlled vocabulary.
- subject librarian
- A librarian who works with a particular subject or major.
- tertiary source
- A work, such as a chapter in a textbook or entry in a reference book, based entirely on secondary sources, rather than on original research involving primary documents. Tertiary sources may be written by staff writers who have an interest in the topic but are not scholars on the subject.
- title
- The name of a book, composition, or other artistic work.
- truncation
- Adding a special symbol (*, #, ?, etc.) to the root of a word in order to search for variants. For example, typing forest* in a database would retrieve records containing forest, forestry, forests, forested, etc.
- Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC)
- An agreement between George Mason University Libraries and other neighboring university libraries to share resources. See consortium loan service.
- wildcard
- A character that will match any character or sequence of characters in a search. See truncation.
- workshop
- A meeting of people interested in learning more about a subject or who wish to gain practical experience in the use of a technique, system, or resource, usually for the purpose of training or professional development.
The definitions above are gathered from the following sources:
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Common Terms for the George Mason University Libraries
by C. Ferrance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.