Fenwick Fellow Program

The Fenwick Fellowship is awarded annually to a Mason faculty member to pursue a research project that uses and enhances the University Libraries' resources while advancing knowledge in their field. Tenured, tenure-track, and term (multi-year appointment) faculty at George Mason University are eligible and encouraged to submit proposals.  Project proposals that specifically align with the Libraries’ ever-increasing activities in the area of digital scholarship (e.g., digital humanities, data-focused research, development of digital content and curation) are encouraged, and, as always, the selection committee will be especially interested in research projects that make substantial use of the Libraries' resources and services.

The Fellowship provides:

  • One award of $5,000 to be used for the acquisition of library research materials that may be needed for the Fellow's research project, as well as associated research costs (e.g., research assistant support, survey costs, defrayal of conference costs when specifically required for the Fellow's research project and other related incidental costs).
  • Use of an office in Fenwick Library for the term of the Fellowship (January 1 – December 31, 2024).

The Fenwick Fellowship application deadline is Friday, September 22, 2023. The 2024 Fenwick Fellow will be announced at the end of the Fall academic term.  The University Libraries will sponsor a public lecture by the Fenwick Fellow in the Spring term following the completed fellowship.

Program Guidelines

The research proposal should be brief, in 12-pt. font, and should be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae, including information about the applicant's current position and teaching and research responsibilities at George Mason University.

Although there is no required format for the proposals, it will facilitate the work of the proposal reviewers if the following points are clearly addressed, and prefaced by a project summary (200 words or less):

  • Central problem to be addressed.
  • Applicant's previous work in the general area.
  • Research methodologies to be utilized (digital projects should outline tools and technology that will be required).
  • The need for research space in the library. Digital projects should highlight collaboration with the Libraries’ Data & Digital Scholarship Services where appropriate.
  • Budget for proposed project materials (e.g. indicate approximate costs of new research materials and/or research assistant stipend and/or possible conference costs that would be purchased with the stipend. Rental or purchase of computer hardware or software shall not exceed 30% of the funding).
  • Expected results of the Fellowship.

Submission Procedure:

Each proposal must be approved and signed by the applicant's department chairperson. Only one proposal per applicant. One electronic copy of the proposal should be forwarded by Friday, September 22, 2023 to library@gmu.edu

Evaluation Procedure:

The selection committee is comprised of four members – two instructional faculty members and two librarians. An Associate University Librarian serves as Administrative Coordinator of the selection process. The Dean of Libraries and University Librarian appoints all evaluators. Instructional faculty will be drawn from the university's schools and colleges and from the ranks of past Fenwick Fellows. At least one research proposal will be selected and recommended to the Dean of Libraries and University Librarian for each academic year.

Requirements of the Fellow:

All library research materials and/or digital tools acquired on behalf of the Fellow will remain the property of the University Libraries.

After the fellowship is completed, University Libraries sponsors a public lecture (during the Spring semester of the following academic year) in which the Fellows present the results of their research.

For additional information, please write to library@gmu.edu