Frequently Asked Questions
You can find our borrowing, renewals, interlibrary loan, fines and account policies on the following pages.
- Standard loan periods for items are:
- Undergraduates: 4 weeks
- Graduates, Faculty & Staff: 1 term
- Affiliates: 3 weeks
Please visit our Borrowing Policies & Fines page for additional information.
- Patrons may renew books online up to 3 times by logging into their Mason Library Account (for Mason owned items) or WRLC Library Account (for WRLC items). Not all interlibrary loan books are renewable. If allowed, interlibrary loan books can be renewed by logging into ILLiad.
- The Libraries have partnerships with universities regionally, within the state, and worldwide to help you get the research and classroom materials not available within our collections. Please visit our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) page for more information about this service, and to place requests.
- The University Libraries welcome the public to use most of our materials onsite, including electronic materials, study space, computers and wireless access. Borrowing print materials is limited, and offsite access to electronic materials is restricted to current faculty, staff and students. Please visit our Public Use Polices for additional information.
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