"TextSelect" by Barnes and Noble College Endowment for the Libraries

In 2015, Barnes and Noble College established the Barnes and Noble College Endowment for the Libraries to provide seed money for the TextSelect initiative. TextSelect is a project of the Mason Libraries designed to address the growing cost of required textbooks for university courses. The program was created to purchase required course textbooks and to place them on reserve so that students can check them out for study (on a limited, time-constrained basis) instead of purchase them.
Over the years, the Libraries' collection has grown to include required textbooks that exceed $50 for the following 100, 200, 300, and 400 level required courses:
  • Required General Education courses
  • Required School of Business courses
  • Required Conflict Resolution courses
  • Required Economics courses
  • Required Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics courses
  • Required Health and Nursing courses
For more information, visit the TextSelect Textbook Reserves Program page.