Find Items @Fenwick

Last Updated: 10 May, 2021 | Provide Feedback


Welcome to the George Mason University Libraries tutorial on locating a physical book in the Fenwick Library using a call number. This tutorial is for Fenwick Library exclusively, if you are at different location please contact the service desk for additional help.

Finding a Book in Fenwick

  1. The first floor holds the reference collection, juvenile literature, media, newspapers, microforms, maps, government documents, and periodicals.

    Location Item Topics
    Service Desk Circulation/Info, Reserves/Textselect, Closed Media, Interlibrary Loan
    Atrium Recommended Reads, Fenwick Galley, Mason Money
    1600/Wing B Reference Books, Indexes, Abstracts, Folios
    1600/Wing B Juvenile Literature, Curriculum & Media Collections
    1700/Wing C Newspapers, Microforms, Maps/Atlases, Government Documents
    Compact Current & Bound Periodicals, Mason Dissertations & Theses

  2. The second floor includes the music library, special collections, and various other offices for library services. 

    Location Item Topics
    2005 Dissertation and Thesis Services (UDTS)
    2100 Scholarly Productions @the Research Commons (SP@RC)
    2201-2212 Subject Librarian Offices
    2400 Special Collections Research Center (SCRC)
    2600/Wing B M1-MZ 9999 & Music Library
    2700/Wing C Data & Digital Scholarship Services (DDSS)

  3. The third floor holds A1-DB 9999 and DC1-GR 9999 in the standing shelves and GT1-JK 9999 in the compact shelving units.

    Location Item Topics
    3600/Wing B A1-DB 9999                                                                       
    3700/Wing C DC1-GR 9999
    Compact GT1-JK 9999

  4. The fourth floor holds the JL-ND 221 and ND 212-PN 9999 in the standing shelves. PQ 1-Q 9999 are located in the compact shelving units.

    Location Item Topics
    4300 Library Administration
    4318 Mason Publishing & George Mason University Press
    4600/Wing B JL1-LZ 9999, N1-ND 211
    4700/Wing C ND 212-PQ 6437
    Compact PQ 6438-Q 9999


  5. The fifth floor holds dissertations and theses, QA1-QL 9999 and QM 1- ZZ 9999.

    Location Item Topics
    5000 Grad Student Reserve Carrels, Grad Student Silent Reading Room
    5600/Wing B QA1-QL 9999, Dissertation Writers Room
    5700/Wing C QM1-ZZ 9999, Dissertation Writers Room

Related Tutorials

To learn about related library services, see these tutorials on reading a call number and using your Mason Library account.

Get Help

Note: items will occasionally move locations, for the most up to date information visit the information desk on the first floor, call 703-993-2240, or email info@gmu.libanswers.comFor other questions or if you need more help try Ask a Librarian or explore the subject guide for your discipline. Use the button below to download a printable version of this tutorial.


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